East Meets West - Best of Techniques
In 2011 we heard of "Scalp Micropigmentation", a
non-surgical treatment for
hair loss. Similar to tattoo, a small amount of pigment specifically
manufactured for SMP is delivered to the very top dermal
layer of the skin. Deeply impressed by the result, we
decided to include
in our service. Based on his work we gradually developed our
own technique. Since 2012 we have been lSMP techniques.
Many practitioners claim that SMP is different from
tattoo. But what are the differences? The oldest evidence of
human tattoos is believed to be from 3370 BC. With 5,100
years of history tattoo is obviously a safe way in coloring
the human skin, if performed properly. Our current technique
has been developed based on the many different kinds of SMP
and tattoo techniques we learned.
Machine Tattoo - Thailand 2012
Modern tattoo creates permanent marking of the skin with indelible ink using a hand-held device. Modern tattoo machines use electromagnetic coils to move an armature bar up and down. There are many types of machines. Liners and shaders are the more common machines from a technical standpoint. Mechanically, there are coil tattoo machines; also pneumatic machines, and rotary, or linear, tattoo machines. In 2012 we spent 2 weeks working as an apprentice in a Tattoo Parlour in Bangkok to master the technique.

khem Sak Sak-Yant, Thailand 2013
Sak=Yant tattooing is a form of tattooing originally introduced from the Khmer Empire. It remains popularin Cambodia and Thailand, and becomes a trend after Angelina Jolie showed off her back tattoos at ‘First They Killed My Father’ premiere in NYC. It consists of sacred geometrical, animal and deity designs accompanied by Pali phrases that offer power, protection, fortune, charisma and other benefits for the bearer. Sak-yant are traditionally tattooed by Magic Practitioners or Monks using a metal rod sharpened to a point called a khem Sak. We learned the Khem Sak technique from a Buddist monk in the Temple.

SMP - Dr Rassman, USA 2013
Dr William Rassman is the founder of the NHI Medical in USA and a world leader in hair transplant technology. He is recognized as "Father in FUE" and "Pioneer in SMP". In 2013 Dr Rassman arranged Live Patient SMP Demonstration for us in his Los Angeles office.

Painless SMP
Tattooing is painful. SMP is even more painful as ink has to go deeper into the dermia. Before the procedure, most non-medical SMP practitioner will apply a topical numbing agent to your scalp. That said, it’s good to keep in mind that there may still be pain. We overcome this problem and render SMP totally painless by using local anesthesia and oral sedation, the so-called "Conscious Sedation".
Infection Control
We treat SMP the same as any other surgical procedures. All our SMP are performed in an aspetic envirnoment. Only disposable equipment is used to avoid cross infection. All clients are screened for HIV and Hepatitis C. Proper aftercare is provided to minimize any complication.
Ihe first four days after treatment do not go swimming, use steam or sauna rooms, or take extremely hot showers. Avoid exposing the scalp to the sun. Wearing a hat is still recommended afterwards as less sun exposure to the treated area means better long-term color retention. Applying moisturizer to the treated area would sooth any discomfort.
Our Ink
Choosing the Right Ink is Critical
Ink is the “end-all-be-all” when it comes to the best in SMP results. Our Ink comes with a much higher pigment load and is not packed with fillers. Only the highest quality of ink would achieve natural looking result that last for years.
Our Ink is completely organic.
Our Ink is completely vegan safe.
Our manufacturer in USA has been producing pigments since
1995. Our ink is precisely custom-made to reduce
complications such as infection, skin allergy, and scar. The
Safety Data of our Ink which meet the EU-Regulations:
• Contains no REACH substances with Annex
XVII restrictions
• Contains no substance on the REACH
candidate list
• Contains no REACH Annex XIV substances
• Contains no substance subject to
OF THE COUNCIL of 4 July 2012 concerningthe export and
import of hazardous chemicals.
• Substance(s) are not subject to Regulation
(EC) No 850/2004 of the European Parliamentand of the
Council of 29 April 2004 on persistent organic pollutants
and amending Directive 79/117/EEC
No Carcinogens
Testing of aromatic amines with carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic and sensitising properties was negative according to CoE Resolution ResAP(2008).